below are updated prices for 90KG and 50KG bags valid for the next 7 days adjusted for dumping tax.
prices are high and not fixed because:-
The Bangladesh government implemented a mandatory packaging law 2010 so
factories are enjoying high prices.
The price of Raw Jute is unexpectedly high, production of raw jute was
not sufficient.
Factories are over booked by foreign buyer orders with payment in
advance , i.e. there is high demand.
Considering all the above prices are subject to change without notice. Factories are now operating on first
come first serve basis without guaranteeing a fixed rate.
Price Nairobi – We
clear consignment from port and cater for transport to a pick up point in Nairobi.
VOT – Vegetable Oil Treated (also
known as “Food Grade”)
Offer validity: 7 days.
Payment terms: 100% T.T. advance, OR,
First payment for CIF (with final
order) and balance (port charges,
KRA, etc) on arrival of goods at port of Mombasa.
Please go through the prices and specifications
and see what suits you.
Kevin Noah